Hypothesis generation for drug discovery

KIBIT, Natural Language and Biologists generate Hypothesis as a starting point for drug discovery

Hypothesis generation for drug discovery Hypothesis generation for drug discovery

Features of Drug Discovery AI Factory


Discovery of unreported target genes with high disease relevance utilizing self-developed AI “KIBIT”

High accuracy

Unique analysis methods extract target genes with high probability of success

Hypothesis generation

Create gene network and generate hypothesis for unreported target genes

Extraction of many unreported target genes by utilizing KIBIT
Narrowing down the target genes to even more precise targets utilizing original analysis methods

KIBIT generates networks that maps the connections between genes associated with a disease. In this process, KIBIT also predicts target genes even if their relationships to the disease are not described in the paper.
To extract targets with a high probability of success from these target genes, we utilize our own innovative analysis methods, the Drug Discovery Best Known Method (DD-BKM), to narrow down the targets with high potential for new drugs.

Example: Gene network for disease A

: Target genes that are highly relevant to disease A and whose relevance is not described in a paper

Example: Gene network for disease A
Disiease A Gene B
No hit
Disiease A Gene C
No hit

No linkage to disease A has been reported for both gene B and gene C

Extraction of genes with high probability of drug discovery success

: Target genes with a high probability of successful drug discovery are selected from among target genes that are highly relevant to disease A and whose relevance has not been described in papers.

Extraction of genes with high probability of drug discovery success

Analysis example

Virtual Experiments with KIBIT

We simulate how pathways are changed by hypothetically knocking out (KO) the target gene.
For example, in the figure below, a hypothetical KO of gene B has almost no effect on the network as it is only replaced by gene D. On the other hand, when gene C is knocked out, the network changes significantly, suggesting that gene C is the gene affecting the disease.

Analysis example Virtual Experiments with KIBIT

Unique technology to discover unknowns from known information
Predicts even genes that have no association with disease in papers

The main source of article data for analysis is PubMed, and Springer Nature article data can be added as an option. FRONTEO's drug discovery support platform is characterized by its ability to extract novel target genes from previously reported information. Genome information and OMICS data can also be added to the analysis.

KIBIT can read known article information and derive new relationships.

Analysis example KIBIT can read known article information and derive new relationships.

Analysis example

Analysis example KIBIT can read known article information and derive new relationships.

Springer Nature

Extended function

Analyzes full-text data of about 600 journals published by Springer Nature
Promoting innovative discoveries based on a variety of cross-disciplinary findings by analyzing data from biomedical, biotechnology, and other fields

Comparison of full text analysis and abstract analysis

Comparison of full text analysis and abstract analysis

Increasing the number of genes analyzed by KIBIT allows for the discovery of more novel target genes.

Comparison of full text analysis and abstract analysis

Bridges the time lag between being reported in abstract and discovering target genes on average 5 years earlier

Experts with years of experience in drug discovery research make proposals that meet customer needs

To analyze highly specialized information and derive innovative outputs, drug discovery researchers with expertise in both drug discovery and AI is essential. FRONTEO brings together a team of researchers who have long been engaged in drug discovery at pharmaceutical companies and research institutions to realize useful proposals, including appropriate target genes and indications and their hypotheses, in line with the needs of our clients.

FRONTEO's idea of hypothesis generation

FRONTEO's idea of hypothesis generation

The hypothesis to initiate the development of a new drug includes

  1. Target molecule: A gene or molecule etc., that is predicted to be associated with a disease.
  2. Disease mechanism: How the target molecule is related to the disease, etc.
  3. Patient information: Genome information, diseases, symptoms, etc., of the target patient group.
  4. Safety information: Toxicity of the drug candidate, etc.
  5. Feasibility: Proposed experimental model, etc.

FRONTEO believes that all of these factors need to be considered.